[Crsytina]'s Testimony

I am aconverted Christian from Islam, and muslim people who knew made my life miserable I did't have any freedom to do any thing. As you already know how Muslims deal with Christians; they think that their religion Islam is the superb religion in the world and the Christians are here to serve them only.

Many times they burnt and stone the churches and houses. They killed Christians for any reason to please their prophet Mohammad. The muslim family's of their children who come to Jesus Christ are abusive to them, beat them, and curse them.

Muslim knew about me and they were ready to add me and my husband on their sacrifices to their prophet Mohammad which they called jihad, as it is written in their Quran:

(After Quran the figure 3 refers to the number of sura and 28 refer to the number of verse).
(Quran 3:28) (Also, 4:144) Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoever does that has no connection with Allah. (
Quran 3:118) You, who believe, don't take anyone as an intimate friend, who is not of your own people.
(Quran 4:38-9) Bear unto the hypocrites the tidings that for them there is a painful doom -- those who choose disbelievers for their friends instead of believers.
(Quran 9:23) Choose neither your fathers nor your brothers for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief.

The Quran encourages bigotry against Jews, calling them evil sinners.

(Quran 5:51) Take not the Jews and Christians for friends...The Jews spread evil in the land.
(Quran 4:160) Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews, we forbade them good things.
(Quran 4:161) The Jews...practice usury, and cheat others.
(Quran 3:128) It is no concern of yours whether he will forgive or punish them. They are wrongdoers.
(Quran 9:113) It is not good for the Prophet, or the believers to beg forgiveness for idolaters, even though they are related to them.
(Quran 5:33) Those that make war on Allah will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides.

(Quran 8:12) I will install terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads then, and strike off from them every fingertip.
(Quran 8:39) Make war on them until idolatry is no more, and God's religion reigns supreme.

(Quran 8:59) Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not the power.

(Quran 9:5) Kill the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.
(Quran 9:29-30) Declare war upon those to whom the scriptures were revealed, but...who do not forbid what God and his apostle have forbidden, and who refuse to acknowledge the true religion.

(Quran 9:73-4) Prophet, make war on the unbelievers. They renounced Islam after embracing it.

(Quran 47:4) When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads. Then when you have slaughtered many, carefully tie up the remaining captives.

(Quran 48:16) You shall be called on to fight a mighty nation, unless they embrace Islam.

(Quran 66:9) Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and hypocrites, and deal sternly with them.

Their prophet Mohammed tells his followers to "Kill them wherever you find them. He tells them to "Cut off their hands and feet." He says to do this, "Until they embrace Islam," and "God's religion reigns supreme."

Furthermore, these are late Medinan passages. They are the most current Quranic orders, and are, therefore, still in effect for modern, 21st century Islamists.

(Quran 9:111) They will fight for the cause of God, Kill and be killed. Such is the true promise... In the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran.

All the christians there suffer very much by muslims they do not get any jobs, they do not have proper income sources for their living and muslims treat them like animals! No one openly changes his religion from Islam especially because it is strictly forbidden by the muslim scholars. They are very cruel and wild people always ready for jehad Holy war. There is also special law which is for minorities; it is hanging by neck. By this law muslims have advantage to arrest any Christian by blaming them that he is blaspheming against their Allah and his prophet Mohammed and in no time they hang them by neck or kill them. There is no leniency and flexibility in this law. So after this constitution Christians are more in danger. Many Christians have been killed under this law till date and many are still in prison.

In the lights of these references from Quran they don’t feel any guilt in killing any one, they says that they are accomplishing whatever their religion demands. All the time their swords are hanging on the christian's heads. They spend lives there like they have commited a great sin. This is all because they don’t know the truth.

I love all who loves Jesus Christ.
Your sister

