Just click on the link to open the program. You need Qbasic
On your computer to use them.

You can download QBasic (for free) from Microsoft's Web site at this address:


IncompleteMarioFightingGame(very sweet! Maybe you programmers could do something with it.)

Click Here for Compiled Programs (You do not need anything for these. You can just download them and be able to play/use them.

These are all programs of mine (not others). But all praises to God (Rev. 4:11).

You will need to save the Program
to your computer (copy and paste it to Notepad and save it. Then Open Qbasic
and open the program you just saved (you might need to use the .txt exention).
Just press Shift+F5 to run (play) the game/program.
(Email me if you have questions about that).

By the way, you will need something for the Jep Program and Wrestle2 Program.
The Folder C:\Firstb\Gamess (You can make that folder on your C drive, computer)

Instructions on the SnowballFightingGame:

This Game is not really finished, but it is playable (it's version 1.5).

Player1 (the player on the right side) use the arrow keys.
Player2 (the player on the left side) use the jkli keys. Make sure CAPS Lock is on.
J - is left K - is down L - is right I - is up
You lose energy by getting hit by a snowball or when a player does a move on you.
You have to go the silver line (behind your snowfort) and press down to get a snowball.
Then you press up (supposed go to the snowfort and press it, but don't have to) to throw it.
When the snowball goes all the way through the fort, you can walk past your fort.
You can also rebuild your fort (if the Fort Power is not at 0%). Just go up to fort and press down.
You can do a move on the player by getting next to the player and pressing up.
That should be everything.
